Portrait Drawing

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Portrait- Bond Between Senior & Junior

I started working on this portrait at mid night when the city police banned the mobile Internet on Tuesday (i.e. 25th Sept) midnight and that was continued up till 2nd September. So due to this internet ban & also postponing of my mid semester exams, I had only thing to do – Drawing. I was checking my collection of pictures and suddenly my eyes got stuck on this photo. I can still remember that time of GTU TECHFEST-’15. Many technical & fun events were held by student organizers of college. Students across GTU colleges participated in different events. Everybody was enjoying the Fest. Where organizers were tasting the success of fest-15, some of the sweet memories were captured in cameras. Here, this picture shows the bond and degree of respect between Senior & Junior, and tons of memories with friends. I tried my level best to portrait that respect and bond in my sketchbook. Though it is not that perfectly drawn but it made one beautiful memory from start to end of this portrait for me. And It says – “Smile Please” 🙂  😀  🙂

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